Teaching Materials
This section of the website presents curriculum materials based on scientific findings of the Eaclipse project and other sources. The curriculum materials link the contemporary science issues of interaction between climate change and human activity that are the focus of the project with K-12 education in the U.S. and with training of future secondary school teachers in Tanzania.
The K-12 materials have been prepared to meet Michigan and U.S. national middle and high school standards in science and social science; the standards are made explicit for each module. The lessons are designed to be used singly or as an integrated set and include a variety of pedagogical approaches and activities that will engage students and promote active learning. The curriculum materials were written by two master teachers, Barbara Naess and Dwight Sieggreen, and an education consultant, Courtney Peterson, each of whom has experience both with curriculum development and in East Africa.
In Tanzania, the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) is introducing a new course on East Africa and Climate Change that is being prepared with the EACLIPSE Project. The materials have been prepared by two lecturers at DUCE, one of whom, Dominick Lukiko, is responsible for teaching the course in Climate Change and the other, Josta Nzilano, is responsible for pedagogical training of secondary school teachers who will bring knowledge of climate change to the schools where they will teach.
Teaching Aids for U.S. Middle and High Schools
The Unit below has been tested in Michigan middle schools, and has been presented in several education and teacher conferences and teacher training activities.
The Lessons and suppplementary materials will all be freely available
in a downloadable, printable format on this website.
Downloading: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents. You can download and install the latest version free of charge from Adobe ® http://www.adobe.com/
Right click to open the files in a new window or tab, or to save the lessons.
Additional Materials:
Modules for Teacher-training in Tanzania
The Modules below are for a new East Africa and Climate Change course at DUCE being taught to future secondary school teachers (DUCE is a secondary school teacher-training university).
1: East Africa Weather and Climate Dynamics
2: Ecological Systems of East Africa
3: Agricultural Systems
4: What is Climate Change
5: Impacts of Climate Change
6: Adaptive Mechanisms and Mitigation to Climate Change
7: Population and Environments of Tanzania
8: Land Use Changes in Tanzania
9: Politics of Climate Change
10: Tanzania’s State of the Environment, Poverty and the Way Forward